
A diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds, also known as a gliding vowel. In the table below, a list of words containing a diphthong is articulated for your reference. The IPA vowel chart shows the movement of gliding from the first vowel to the second vowel.
Diphthongs - closing with /ɪ/
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Play Slay Day Take Make Cake Chain Plane Game
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Sigh Size My Mine Rhine Pry Ply Cry Eye Try Tie
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Toy Troy Soy Noise Join Point Boil Oil Coil Soil Foil
Diphthongs - closing with /ʊ/
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Out Aloud Allow Sound Pound Round Count House Mouse Mount South
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Code Home Joke Note Phone Vote Ago No Over Control Old Boat Below Throw
Diphthongs - closing with /ə/ (i.e. centering)
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Fear Hear Near Shere Mere Clear Tear Dear Ear
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Air Hair Heir Pair Dare Bare Rare Care Fair Mayor Chair Square
IPA Vowel Chart (Purple GridOrange Grid)
Tour Pure/pjʊə/ Poor Sure Cure/kjʊə/ Endure /ɪnˈdjʊə/

The words ‘pure’ , ‘cure’ , and ‘endure’ sound slightly differently from the rest of the words due to the consonant /j/ requiring a jaw dropping movement.